Fabyuth is a one stop solution to find the best and verified tutors & experts.
We understand that finding the right tutor, trainer, coach or professional is not easy.
So we have a designed this free app where you can quickly and easily find the right trainer in your
vicinity. This directory app has a list of tutors, coaching classes, hobby classes, pediatricians, plays and
so on. And the best part is Fabyuth hand picks these experts after systematic profile verification, so that
your excitement for learning is coupled with peace of mind while finding the right trainer.
Fabyuth has following features:
1. Quick search to find tutors and professionals in the vicinity
2. Read ratings and reviews by your friends and other people
3. Recommended trainers by the celebrity experts in that category
4. Sort the search results based on fees, proximity, ratings etc
5. Know which of your friends are training with the selected teacher
You can find tutors and experts for all the following categories
1. Tuitions: Social Sciences, Mathematics, Life Sciences, Languages, Commerce and Competitive
2. Activities: Dance, Music, Arts & Crafts and Sports
3. Wellness: Yoga, Child Psychologists, Pediatricians, Nutritionists and Physiotherapists
Our most sought after trainers are for football, cricket, tuitions, Bharatnatyam, guitar, western
vocals, drawing, painting, ballet dance, acting class, belly dance.